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「#藝術支援誓言  #artistsupportpledgehk」計劃運作如下:

1. 活動期間暫定為4/6~6/30,展覽期間都可以新增作品。

2. 每位藝術家展覽期間內至少提供3件作品(不限媒材)。

3. 每售出5件作品就要買1件活動中其他藝術家HK$2200的作品。

4. 藝術家如果自己希望透過#artsupportpledgehk 出售作品,需要先將自己作品的資料放在你的fb/ig平台上出po文,內文需要包括以下資料:


         Joining #artistsupportpledgehk, support HK Artist at this website:






         Price: HK$2200 (含本地運費)

         #artistsupportpledgehk  #藝術支援誓言


5. 參與藝術家請點擊連結加入群組,並發送作品貼文link以供Admin更新於官網上。 

6. 售出作品後IAMA會於藝術家群組通知,安排交收事宜,由於活動的Paypal帳戶新近建立,Paypal需要21日後才發放第一次款項,收到Paypal款項後將於7日內付予藝術家。

7. 如想另外參加英國版的活動請上傳IG加「#artistsupportpledge 」,並標注£ 200。

8. 作品圖片及資料上傳到各自FB、IG,以便讓有興趣購買的人4月6日可以看到完整作品,強烈建議大家都要在自己的FB與IG分享是次計劃,這樣才能串連整個網路社群讓更多的人看到此活動。

9. 如有購買作品請在FB/IG上傅開箱文並加上「#藝術支援誓言」、「#artistsupportpledgehk」、「#artistsupportpledge 」。

10. 確定要購買作品的人請在#artistsupportpledgehk官網上下單,直接以paypal付款。如對作品有任何查詢請先於藝術家作品貼文上提問及獲得解答後方進行購買,一經付款則不設退還,敬請見諒。

11. 由即日至30/6期間,對作品有興趣的人可透過個人臉書與IG 打關鍵字「#藝術支援誓言」、「#artistsupportpledgehk」,即可看到參與的藝術家作品。

How does #artistsupportpledgehk work?  The Operation process is detailed as follows. 

1. The campaign starts from 6 Apr to 30 June. Artists can keep uploading artwork within this period.

2. Each artist has to provide at least 3 but not more than 5 art pieces at HK$2200 each. (No limitation to the medium an material)

3. Once an artist has sold 5 art pieces, he/she has to buy 1 art piece from another artist in this campaign for HK$2200.

4. If an artists want to sell their art pieces in this #artistsupportpledgehk, he/she has to upload the art pieces on their own social media platform such as Facebook or Instagram first (one art piece in each post), the content of the post should include the following information:

    Joining #artistsupportpledgehk, support HK Artist at this website:






    Price: HK$2200 (including local shipping fee)


8. The public can start browsing the art pieces from 6 April on Facebook, Instagram. We strongly recommended artists share this campaign on their own Facebook and Instagram. When more public's attention is drawn to this campaign, the more artists will be benefited altogether.

9. For supporters who purchased an art piece from this campaign, please share it on Facebook or Instagram with a hashtag “#artistsupportpledgehk” and “#artistsupportpledge”. Thank you.

10. Please make the order on the official website of #artistsupportpledgehk and finish the payment through Paypal. If you have any questions about the art piece, please contact the artist first by leaving a comment in that post. Please clarify details before payment. All payment is non-refundable.

11. From today to 30 June 2020, everyone is welcomed to browse art pieces in the campaign with the hashtag “#artistsupportpledgehk” on Facebook and Instagram.
