
MIRAGE 沙畫 x 現場音樂

一次燃亮人心的深度治療,一個城市人不能錯過的心靈旅程,將於2021年9月17-19日假香港文化中心劇場公演 。




海潮 - 沙畫藝術家,其沙畫藝術見稱於國際,曾為政府新聞處拍攝推廣香港宣傳短片。首個沙動畫作品「紅雞蛋」榮獲創科局香港資訊及通訊科技-最佳數碼娛樂銀獎,更入圍多達10個國際電影節; 2018年再憑「科漠 ‧ 沙離」勇奪加拿大國際電影節動畫組2018 Rising Star Award。

伍焯堃 – 資深音樂人,專注於爵士和流行鋼琴,曾擔任多個戲劇和表演的音樂總監。1999年獲YAMAHA Band Alert「最佳鍵盤演奏家」獎,自2000年開始擔任香港演藝學院鋼琴伴奏家。多年來活躍於藝術、商業及公眾表演。



Mirage講述城市人為了融入社會,滿足世人目光、回應家庭期望, 為自己打造出讓人喜愛的面具,每日戴著過活;他們辛勤工作,在喧嘩鬧市中迷失自我,無論都市有多繁華,仍然感覺孤單……

Renowned Hong Kong sand artist Hoichiu and professional musician Patrick Ng created a brand new performace MIRAGE. This show is a therapeutic treat for urbaners who are at lost and searching for their identities.
MIRAGE describes a person who puts on a smiling face mask everyday to fulfill expectations from the family, workplace and the society. He has been suppressing his true feeling for so long that, he becomes callous and has lost his true self, living with despair and loneliness.
One day the dust storm hits and buries, everything in the city, and the world falls into barrenness. Despite the disaster, he goes to work as usual; when he finds out that everything has disappeared, he stands still hesitating where to go. At this time, a wild horse appears, wandering in the desert. He instinctively tries to catch it, he finally grabs the rein, but the horse escapes. He looks at the rein in his hand, which is just the same as his tie.
At this particular moment, streams of fond memories and lovely moments flush in. When he realizes that his loved ones are gone, his soul is lost, then he walks like empty shell, surviving under the mask of smile.
He reflects his past and portrays lives in the sandstorm, just to realize that love and protection are inseparable. He finally has the courage to set off, by taking off his smiling face mask and steps out from the shadow.


沙畫 x 現場音樂節目

$260 / $200
2021年9月17日 下午8:00
2021年9月18日 下午3:00
2021年9月18日 下午8:00
2021年9月19日 下午3:00  

優惠票價: $140 / $110
年滿60歲的長者、殘疾人士及看護人、全日制學生及綜合社會保障援助受惠人可享有優惠票價 (學生及綜援受惠人士優惠先到先得,額滿即止)


網上購票: www.urbtix.hk
信用卡電話購票: 2111 5999
票務查詢: 3761 6661
節目查詢: 2887 2116


Sand Painting x Live Music

Hong Kong Cultural Centre Studio Theatre
$260 / $200
17 / 09 /2021 8:00pm
18 / 09 /2021 3:00pm
18 / 09 /2021 8:00pm
19 / 09 /2021 3:00pm

Tickets available from 24 Aug 2021 onwards at all URBTIX outlets, on internet, mobile app and credit card telephone booking
Concessionary price : $140 / $110
Concessionary tickets available for senior citizens aged 60 and above, people with disabilities and the minder, full-time students and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients. Limited tickets for students and CSSA recipients available on a first-come-first-served basis.
This show contains no dialogues, Singing in Cantonese
Duration: 60 mins without intermission
Internet Booking: www.urbtix.hk
Credit Card Telephone Booking: 2111 5999
Ticketing Enquiries: 3761 6661
Programme Enquiries: 2887 2116

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